From Within Out: A 2025 Promise

All things are made by imagination’s power. Nothing begins except in the imagination of man. “From within out” is the law of the universe. “As within, so without.” Man turns outward in his search for truth, but the essential thing is to look within.

Neville Goddard

Dear Reader,

It has been over a month since my last post — so much longer than I intended to let pass. Outside the firecrackers are cracking, reminding me as I write there are nine minutes to go before the collective shift to a new cycle. Well, make that eight minutes now, at least in this strip of the globe. Anyway, the minutes are ticking.

The world might say I should be out there with the ruckus-makers. But my inner self had something else in mind. The truth is, I’d rather be where it’s cozy and quiet. I’d rather set my tone for the coming year not with fanfare, but with calm introspection. Here is the only place I want to be, typing out a rambling post to you if for no other reason than I just feel… it’s time.

I was so excited when I wrote my last post, as I had big plans for all kinds of items to put on my Ko-Fi page, drawings in the pipeline to create, recordings, you name it. What I didn’t realize then — an embarrassing rookie mistake for a seasoned practitioner of conscious creation — was that it wasn’t the “doing of things” I needed to focus on. And so I put so much faith in that outward doing that I neglected to do the most essential thing: look within. Not just to look within, but to be truly ready to accept what I saw upon looking.

What resulted was, naturally, a reflection of my inner chaos. Chaos I was refusing to acknowledge and remedy. It was something like: “I’m gonna do THIS thing, and THAT thing, and put my nose to the grindstone and do ALL the other things, too!” Life, therefore, became chaotic. A stomach virus swept through the house. Thankfully, it didn’t get me. But I’m sure you can imagine the challenges that brought. It’s kind of hard to focus on meditation, creating art, or really anything when norovirus descends upon your realm. All sorts of little dramas played themselves out meanwhile.

Eventually, I found myself going full circle. To paraphrase a meme, something shifted in me prompting me to go Back to Formula. With the dust of drama settling, it was time to return to center. I had stopped consciously manifesting my world. Instead, my world was manifesting me.

Neville says that ALL things are made by imagination’s power. I believe him, because I’ve lived that truth more times than I can count. I also need to remind myself that although Neville was a master at conscious creation, he put his pants on (I guess he’d call them trousers) one leg at a time just like the rest of us. Neville had failures, too, and wasn’t ashamed to admit it. The beautiful thing about that is that consciousness, I AM, is eternal. When the human mind overtakes us, we can always make the decision to go back to what we know is real.

And as far as I’m concerned, consciousness is the only real thing. That’s why I’m here tonight instead of setting off firecrackers. I’m here to come back to center, back to I AM, and invite you to join me in this homecoming.

The world “out there” is chaotic at the moment, too. That’s stating the obvious, I know. Yet, I get a real sense that things are about to shift for the better in a really big way. I know I’m not alone in feeling this. It doesn’t make sense at all. But then, why should it? If imagination can manifest fascism, war, disease, and hunger, why could collective consciousness not also turn the wheel toward love, peace, wholeness, and prosperity? I’m not suggesting the world will become perfect. There’d be no point incarnating on an already perfect world. But I do think we’re on the brink of something big, something good. At least, that is what I choose to believe.

So, back to this Wise Woman Arts thing and all the stuff I’ve had planned for it but haven’t yet brought into the light. I’m not much into goal-setting. Setting a goal for some point in the future feels too disconnected to me from the principle of living in the State of the Wish Fulfilled. Instead, I like to have themes to live by. You could call what I do Being Setting.

What I’m Being in 2025: Calm and focused, within my own Zone of Personal Integrity. In other words, not just doing what is right even when nobody’s looking — which we should all strive to do — but more specifically responding to my world in a way that is authentic to me.

I have too often allowed my outer world to pull me away from what I know is true for me. We all do that now and then. That won’t be happening this year. In 2025 (and beyond), I will always consult my inner voice before responding to outer stimuli. Does it feel right? Is it in alignment with my true self? Does it nurture my vision, or does it rip it out from the root? Am I responding to the needs of my world with authentic love, or am I merely capitulating to it out of fear? These aren’t always easy questions to answer, but I’m here for it.

I imagine this will result in more regular postings and offerings here and elsewhere, but that there won’t necessarily be a fixed schedule. I intend to go with the flow of life this year with that inner voice as my compass, rather than fighting the current, struggling for air. So much is changing out there anyway. It doesn’t make sense to set anything in stone right now.

It would have been better if I’d figured that out sooner, but there it is. I’ll have some tidying up to do over the next week or so, but that’s okay. Whatever straggling thing that no longer serves that Zone of Personal Integrity will have to go. So as they say, “please forgive our mess”.

If you’re still here at the end of this ramble, thank you! I wish you a very happy and prosperous 2025, and will catch up with you again soon.


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