Updates! New things happening!

Hello hello!

It has been a few weeks since I’ve added to this little blog. Although on the window-dressing level of things a great deal has changed, I’m happy to report that my mission has remained the same: I’m still creating and sharing art. I’m still sharing Neville’s wisdom with whomever is open to receiving it. And I’m always looking for ways to weave those passions together into a cohesive whole. To get you up to speed, here’s what I’ve put in place and am currently developing:

When I first started building this site, I wanted all my offers to stay right here. What happened instead was I spent so much time tinkering with layouts and settings, trying to figure out how to plug in all the elements needed to run things smoothly, that I wasn’t creating actual content.

Also, I didn’t want my art gallery to be cluttered up with “merch” (tote bags, coffee mugs, iPhone cases, and so on). My focus is on creating art that a person would want to hang on a wall, or perhaps display digitally for inspiration. I want to make art, not “stuff”. Stuff is fun, but it’s not what I want to do.

After exploring a bunch of print-on-demand options, I finally landed on Art Majeur. I absolutely LOVE it there. Not only can I offer beautiful canvas, paper, or metal fine art prints, but also when the time comes, I’ll be able to directly sell to collectors originals or hand-pulled prints. And the focus on fine art is just as I like it. You can click the image above to see the shop live, or click here. By the way, the other artists on that site are SO talented. It’s an honor to be there with them. Go take a look around!

Coming Soon:

Courses, Guides, Commissions, and More

Meanwhile, my presence on Ko-Fi is in development. If you haven’t heard of it, Ko-Fi is a platform similar to Patreon. The main difference between them is that Ko-Fi provides the ability to have a real shop rather than just memberships. On my Ko-Fi, you’ll be able to get:

  • Manifestation guides for general use, as well as customized downloads for your specific needs.

  • MP3 affirmations, meditations, and subliminals.

  • Access to a membership portal where you can ask questions as well as get lessons on manifestation and spirituality.

  • Digital art commissions.

  • Other things I haven’t thought of yet!

As of today, my Ko-Fi page is quite empty. My goal is to have it fully operational by January 1, 2025, although there should be some offerings available within the next couple of weeks. If you want to bookmark it for future reference, click HERE. Regardless, I’ll come back here and update you soon on this project.

To wrap this up, I’m highly motivated to get back to creating actionable, downloadable, accessible content. It’s going to be a lot of work, but I’m happy to do it — because it’s heart-centered work. Right livelihood. I’m so grateful to live in an era where all of this is even possible. And I’m so thankful you’re here to share it all with.

Much Love and Light to You.


From Within Out: A 2025 Promise


Nocturne I